Looking for the true taste and benefits of a cup of tea? Then you should learn how to distinguish high-quality tea from fakes. Here are some simple tips to help you make the right choice:

  • Appearance: High-quality tea has whole, evenly colored leaves without any foreign inclusions. Carefully inspect the tea before brewing.
  • Aroma: Real tea has a rich, pleasant aroma that unfolds during brewing. The absence of aroma or an unpleasant smell may indicate low quality.
  • Taste: The taste of high-quality tea is rich and multifaceted, without bitterness or acidity. Each variety has its own unique flavor characteristics that are worth exploring.
  • Infusion color: The color of the infusion depends on the tea variety, but it should always be clear and transparent. Turbidity may indicate poor water quality or the presence of impurities in the tea.
  • Producer: Prefer well-known tea producers with a good reputation. They care about the quality of their products.